Registrations have closed. Link to recording under “Resources” below.
When: Wednesday 5 October, 4 pm AEST
Leaning on songwriting: Music research design with and for CALD communities
Oftentimes doing research in a way that is not extractive is a huge challenge. Through this workshop, Dr Charu Mani will share her experiences of using songwriting as a method for amplifying words, voices, and tunes from within a CALD community of new and expectant mothers. In doing so, she will also use this forum to write a song with the researchers on their lived experiences of working with communities. The session will draw on these two experiences – one of songwriting in the workshop and the other of learning about songwriting in a CALD context – to better understand the nature and scope of inclusive practices in research design through music.

Our presenter: Dr Charulatha Mani is an expert in Karnatik vocal music of Southern India. She was awarded a PhD in musicology on ‘Hybridising Karnatik Music and Early Opera: Voice, Word, and Gesture’ from the Queensland Conservatorium Griffith University (August 2019). Currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the School of Music, University of Queensland, she conducts research, performs, teaches, and publishes widely. Charu will commence as Lecturer in Creative Arts and Health and the University of Tasmania in October. She engages marginalised communities through socially impactful music research projects and her “Sing to Connect” project explored the role of singing for perinatal mental health and wellbeing in culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) mothers. She is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Personal Website:
Link to youtube recording of seminar