
The members of AMPS meet regularly through our #AMPlify and Community events, and we host a biennial conference. Our community also meets through node-based events hosted by our research group leaders around Australia. Our meetings and conferences feature local and overseas presenters addressing a variety of topics in music and the arts. These have ranged from psychophysics and psychoacoustics, cochlear mechanics, rhythm and pitch perception, to emotional responses to music, musical development and education, skill acquisition, social and applied music studies, performance science, therapeutic uses of music, and well-being through musical participation and more.

We share news and information on relevant events through our website, Facebook page, and social media accounts.

Australian Music & Psychology Society (AMPS) Incorporated
ABN: 80 592 940 299

Become an AMPS member today!

We welcome new members, students and researchers alike. Membership is free!


Why become an AMPS member?

  • Join a flourishing music science community
  • Develop professionally
  • Learn about and disseminate research


Member benefits

  • Professional development opportunities
  • Regular e-newsletters
  • Present and attend at seminars and conferences
  • Apply for AMPS research and conference awards
  • Voting rights for AMPS board membership


Members are encouraged to stand for volunteer committee positions, affording networking opportunities and skill development, as well as providing service to the profession.


How to become a member?

Becoming a member is easy and free. Simply submit your details using the form below to become part of the AMPS community today. Submitting your details will also add you to the AMPS mailing list. Note that AMPS uses MailChimp, so please keep an eye on your spam folder and email settings!


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Have a question? Get in touch with AMPS via our email address ( or through submitting the form below.

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