Wednesday 7 August at 4 pm AEST via Zoom
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DECRA Fellow Dr Lauren Istvandity will discuss how to best navigate your early research career, covering topics such as publishing, funding, embracing interdisciplinary work/teams and work/life balance.
Dr Lauren Istvandity is a transdisciplinary researcher working across areas of music, cultural heritage, wellbeing and memory studies at Griffith Centre for Social and Cultural Research. Dr Istvandity works with diverse communities, artists, and the heritage sector to produce new knowledge and innovative scholarly and creative outcomes. She is the author of The Lifetime Soundtrack: Music and Autobiographical Memory (2019, Equinox), and co-author of Regurgitator’s Unit (2022, Bloomsbury), and Curating Pop: Exhibiting Popular Music in the Museum (2019, Bloomsbury). Dr Istvandity was recently awarded an ARC DECRA fellowship for her project using arts-based methods within heritage spaces for migrant wellbeing.