The European Society for Cognitive Science of Music (ESCOM) invites the global community of the field to take part in its 12th Triennial Conference to be held in York (UK) on 3-6 July 2024, with satellite hubs in Melbourne (Australia) and La Plata (Argentina). The conference’s primary objective is to serve as an inclusive and sustainable platform for the exchange of cutting-edge music cognition research, bridging disciplines, theories, and cultures. The conference will feature the newest developments in research on music cognition, whilst also building an international research community that is inclusive for all participants. The conference will not adhere to a specific theme to encourage researchers from all corners of the cognitive sciences of music to explore their interest within this broad domain. Thematic strands will be created based on the scope of the programmed papers. Participants are also encouraged to propose their own thematic symposia or workshops.
Authors of accepted submissions can present their work either in person at one of our hubs (York, La Plata, Melbourne), or virtually. In an effort to reduce environmental impact, we encourage attendees to select the nearest hub, avoiding unnecessary air travel. ESCOM12 will be live-streamed across all hubs and accessible remotely. All presentations will be recorded and available to attendees for a limited amount of time after the event. The conference is organized by ESCOM with additional funding from SEMPRE and the University of York. Abstracts for talks, posters, workshops, and symposia can be submitted from 04.12.2023 until 15.01.2024. Accepted posters can also be delivered remotely along with pre-recorded 5-min flash talks. Notifications of acceptance will be sent in April 2024.
Organizing Committee
York – Andrea Schiavio, Helena Daffern, Mimi O’Neill, Hannah Gibbs & Adrian Kempf
La Plata – Isabel Cecilia Martínez, Joaquin Perez & Maria Marchiano
Melbourne – Solange Glasser & Margaret Osborne
Conference Advisors – Niels Chr. Hansen, Renee Timmers, Mats Küssner & Richard Parncutt
ESCOM is an international non-profit society that promotes theoretical, experimental, and applied research in the cognitive sciences of music. ESCOM was established in 1991. To support its activities, the Society publishes the journal Musicae Scientiae. The journal publishes empirical, theoretical, and critical articles aimed at increasing our understanding of how music is perceived and generated. Musicae Scientiae appears four times a year and has been published by SAGE Publications since 2011.
ESCOM website: (Twitter: @ESCOMsociety)
Conference website: (Twitter: @escom_12)
For questions, please contact us at our official email address: escom12 [AT]