A live streaming event presented by AMPS and UNSW Empirical Musicology Research Group Seminar
When: Friday November 1, at 1200-1300
Where: Physical venue: The University of New South Wales, K-G14-139.
Virtual Venue: The link for the streamed seminar is now available:
(just click the link, and log in with your name – no account needed). When the presentation is over you may chat, or ask a question via video from your electronic device.
Music listening, technology, and well-being in older age
Speaker: Dr Amanda E Krause, Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne
Evidence points to music listening as an effective, non-pharmacological tool with many social and emotional benefits, yet the specific nature of how to create and support everyday music listening opportunities for well-being benefit in older age remains under-researched. Two recent investigations examining older adults’ listening practices as well as the challenges and benefits of implementing two different, technology-driven listening programs will be discussed. The findings provide an in-depth understanding of how to support effective everyday music listening activities, with broad implications for enhancing quality of later life for adults living at home and in aged-care.
Dr Amanda Krause, a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at The University of Melbourne, is interested in the social and applied psychology of music. Her research examines everyday music interactions, with an emphasis on the role of different listening technologies and how everyday music experiences influence well-being.